I have wanted to learn to use a sewing machine properly for years but almost all machines hate me (It's true! Ahhhh!) and I could never get patient and focused enough to "make friends" with a sewing machine
...until John and the boys bought me one for my birthday.
I'm excited to finally be sewing!
I can even load and set up a bobbin...my previous sewing nemesis.
I've been trying to create some new toys for my Etsy shop and Nathan has been agreeable to model a few for me.
His cuteness makes me smile! How blessed I am!
Here he is with the utility belt I made him.
It has room for his tools, whether they be hammers and wrenches or markers and scissors.
I hand sewed these little animals from mostly wool felt.
They fit into this fabric pouch I made them.
You can roll them up and tie them closed with the ric-rac to take them on a play date, to the park, to church, wherever.
I've also been making tag blankets.
My work is not perfection but it's pretty good, I think. I've given several designs away to little friends to "test drive" and the reviews have all been positive.
I'm encouraged that I finally learned how to use a sewing machine and am having fun designing and creating.