Monday, March 18, 2013

So Cool....Adoption Fund Raiser

Some friends of ours took us completely by surprise and are putting on an adoption fund raiser to benefit our family as well as two others! We feel so encouraged and cared for by this gesture!
The two other families are friends of ours has recently brought home their two cuties from Ukraine and the other is waiting to go meet their two children, also in Ukraine...and then there's us! :)
So, if you're local, check out the good eats!
Isn't that cool? :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Sewing Machine and I Agree To Get Along

I have wanted to learn to use a sewing machine properly for years but almost all machines hate me (It's true! Ahhhh!) and I could never get patient and focused enough to "make friends" with a sewing machine
...until John and the boys bought me one for my birthday.
I'm excited to finally be sewing!
I can even load and set up a previous sewing nemesis.
I've been trying to create some new toys for my Etsy shop and Nathan has been agreeable to model a few for me.
His cuteness makes me smile! How blessed I am!
Here he is with the utility belt I made him.
It has room for his tools, whether they be hammers and wrenches or markers and scissors.
I hand sewed these little animals from mostly wool felt.
They fit into this fabric pouch I made them.
You can roll them up and tie them closed with the ric-rac to take them on a play date, to the park, to church, wherever.
I've also been making tag blankets.
My work is not perfection but it's pretty good, I think. I've given several designs away to little friends to "test drive" and the reviews have all been positive.
I'm encouraged that I finally learned how to use a sewing machine and am having fun designing and creating.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Myrtle Beach...Brrrrr!

We got to go to the beach for Luke's soocer tourney!
It was sunny and clear but COLD!
Luke's team went 4 - 0 to win first place! So exciting!