Sam has been doing so well going to pre-school that we have increased his hours, so now he goes three mornings a week. I am very thankful for amazing teachers and therapists.
Our poor sick kitty, Jewel, tested negative for ALL the tests our amazing vet did. Ugh! We put her on a broad spectrum anti-biotic as a last try and it is not working too well. :( I think we are just going to take it one day at a time with her and make sure she enjoys her days as best she can.
I am sick too. Every time the boys get a "bug" I seem to get it as well but worse and for longer, and antibiotics and steroids are often needed. This is a long term problem for me and the allergy shots I've been doing the last two years have helped but have not completely solved it all. I have also become allergic to gluten and soy. Weird! I am getting more opportunities for patience & trusting in God day by day, I'll tell you that. I long to be Wonder Woman who can do it all, but am learning to be content with life as it is.
And now, for some darling pictures of my treasures...
I couldn't choose my favorite of these two. I love them both. The way my boys love each other means so very much to me, I can't think of the right words.