Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Scheduling... Help!

I guess I was subconsciously dreaming of a relaxing & fun summer. Yesterday was our first official day of summer holidays though & "my bubble was busted" quickly. The boys were NUTS! 

I can see that we are all going to need more structure so I am trying to be creative...any great ideas?

This is what I have so far:

pool membership
more chores (I'm a mean Mom, right!? ;)
art type program at the library (only bi-weekly though)

I am also looking at getting at least Mark enrolled in a local swim team that is supposed to be really good. Nathan will take a few weeks of swimming lessons. They have a week of VBS as well, but I still need some inspiration to keep them meaningfully challenged & active. 

It's hard because that's what I've been doing the whole school year, as a home school Mom, & now I'm tired

Thanks for any & all ideas! :)


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