Sunday, September 7, 2008

Moving Forward

There were a few last minute details that had to be attended to last week, but we are finally 100% finished with our part of the home study! The agency we are using (which has been wonderful) will send us a rough copy soon (maybe even this week) & then I'll forward it to Ghana. (They'll need the official copy of course, but they said they'd like to read it asap so the rough copy will do for now.) They'll use it, at least partly, to chose a child(ren) for us!!! I'm not sure how long that will take but they are pretty quick by adoption standards. (Honestly, our experience with Beacon House has been so good! We are very thankful to have found it!) Anyhow, it all still feels surreal, but also exciting & scary too. (Kind of hard to explain) It feels like we're moving into deep, and possibly dark waters WAY over our heads, but with a peace & a confidence anyway. It feels like God.


Jen said...

Oh Patty!!!
I am so excited for you....WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!!
Holly said they may have a match(s) for you before Christmas!!!!!
How is Mark doing?

Patty said...

I think we will definitely have a match before Christmas! :)

Mark is doing well. He had a wonderful time with his Grandparents visiting. He's reviewing Kindergarten with me right now & heading into grade 1 - very exciting!

Ericka said...

Hi Patty,
Didn't you love that article?
I loved the part where when you see your child you see all the beautiful colors of other children. It's so true. My eyes have been so opened during this process.
Congratulations on the BH front! This whole process IS very surreal, huh???
We are actually kinda close in terms of where we are. That would be awesome if we could travel together. I don't know about you, but it would be very comforting having a bud in-country.....