Monday, November 2, 2009


We are getting into more of a routine, which has been really good. Our days look something like this:

*Up at 7am
*Get dressed
*School begins around 8am
*Snack at 10am
*More school or play or visit library, chores
*Lunch at noon
*Nap from 1-3pm (If the older boys aren't tired they can read books or play quietly in their beds. This resting time has been VERY important & helpful to us, and not just for needed rest, but also for a break from each other)
*Video after nap for those who have been well behaved
*Play outside, visit with friends etc.
*Play with Dad/family time
*Bed around 8:30pm

We have plenty of exceptions to this schedule but this is our basic model. On Wednesdays the kids all have classes at our church from 9-11:30am. On Thursdays the two oldest have "Gym & Swim" from 9-11am. We always have lots of play dates, time at the YMCA, & field trips too.

Today we are going on a trip to visit a farm. Afterwards, Mark & Luke will write about what they saw, heard & touched. Nathan will tell me about what he noticed.

More fun to come this afternoon too, but I will write about that & try to have some pictures later.

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