Saturday, April 5, 2008

Notes from my journal

I'm taking you back in time via my journal to catch you up on our story...

"It all started on the 10th when John's (my husband) sister called him - she was back in the USA for some workshops. She told him about a friend she's gotten to know who is running an orphanage in Accra, Ghana called "Beacon House". The next thing I know, John and I are praying and talking together & looking up info. online. We also contacted a home study agency with some questions. It's happening fast but this is something we've been praying for & working towards for at least three years. Oh Lord, is it really time? Please hold us tight and lead us on!"

I also found some cool quotations in The Whole Life Adoption Book by Jayne E. Schooler...

"Natural child: any child who is not artificial
Real parent: any parent who is not imaginary
Your own child: any child who is not someone else's child
Adopted child: a natural child, with a real parent, who is all my own."
Rita Law

"Our adoption changed the character of our family forever. We are not a caucasian family who adopted a minority child. We are a minority family. We always will be."
an adoptive father

1 comment:

Shaun and Holly said...

Yipie!!!! You have a Blog!