Thursday, October 1, 2009

Good News at the Embassy

All five of us waited at the Embassy for 4 hours, which is a long time for 3 wiggly boys, but they did pretty well and it all went GREAT! :) We have an invitation to return on Monday to pick up our two littlest sons' visas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am feeling an emotional load off my shoulders & just can't stop thanking God!


Mom's Group said...

4 wiggly boys?? That means John also gets the "wiggles"??! :P

So happy for you about the Visa's!


Patty said...

Oops! Thanks Holly! I meant 3 boys! I did have quite a few other kids hanging out with us though since we were the only ones who had brought crayons & books etc.

Amy said...

Awesome!!! We were just praying last night!

bbqdaisy said...

PRAISING with you!

Laura said...

Happy Gotcha Day today!!! Can't imagine your excitement (and lots of other emotions) as you bring your boys home today!

Ian and Isaac say hi! Isaac wants me to type (and I quote) "I am your bug huggy jug." Not sure what that means?...