Today was a tough day. I have three precious sons going through a lot of emotions & a huge adjustment, as well as being in a similar spot myself. My oldest son is needing more down time & discipline, another is needing snuggles & comfort and the other is just full speed ahead! I am so thankful to know we are being prayed for, as I ask God for wisdom to parent each of my little guys. I am trying to observe all I can about them each day & then prayerfully consider what their needs might be/ how they can best be loved & guided according to their different "bents". I am re-reading many parts of "The Connected Child" on the fly.
I am really missing John today. He is my best friend & we are a good team together & this is a time I really would love to be with my team mate! We are trying to wait for him to leave until we hear something from the Embassy...we'll see...
Tomorrow is a new day. God is in control. (Yes, I am reminding MYSELF of this as I type!)
Oh, as far as what we did today, it is now "hurry up & wait". I did feel really good about being able to sit down with all three boys & draw a picture of our family, complete with our two dogs. I labelled all the family members & wrote down the three countries we are from. Luke kept the picture & I hope it might be a comfort to him tonight. He also drew a picture of all of us on an airplane flying home to USA. I know he is thinking about that & feeling apprehensive.
I am so grateful to know you are praying. I feel weak & know that I am NOT enough in this situation. I am thankful to know Who is & I am trying to really lean on Him.
Thank you dear friends & family! Hugs!
Hang in're doing GREAT. Amazing in fact! Know that prayers are going up for you and your family. We'll be praying especially for each of your boys to be overwhelmed with the peace and security that comes from being a child of God. Also praying for wisdom for you as you are learning "on the fly" how to be a mother of THREE beautiful boys...God IS good.
Praying for you daily. Hang in there. Will be so much easier as you get to your "own turf",(I think)!
Love to you all.
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